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Posted on Tue Feb 14th, 2017 @ 12:55am by Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Claudia Rankin
Edited on on Mon Nov 18th, 2019 @ 6:25pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulubase
Timeline: 2388/08/11 2008 (August 11 2388 2008)


Claudia looked round the loud club in fascination watching all the different races and the way they interacted or avoided each other. Waiting at the bar to get drinks for her and Kaitlyn she tried not to look as young as she was feeling right now even as she looked over at Kaitlyn at the table for reassurance.

Grabbing the drinks with a smile to the bartender she took the two Bajoran Sunsets over to the table and handed one to Kaitlyn. "The bartender recommended these."

"Sounds great." Katie grinned. "I'm gonna go dance." She winked at the girl and took off. Turning behind her, she waved to Claudia. "Come on!" She called.

Laughing Claudia left their drinks at the table and headed out to join Katie on the dance floor. "So much cooler than my cousin said it would be!" She danced with a young trill male that came up to her but kept close to Katie.

"Def." Katie laughed. She'd obviously done this before and felt very comfortable doing so. She danced and flirted with some of the cadets and enlisted and barely kept eyes on Claudia. As the barmaid walked by with a variety of drinks, she grabbed something purple off of the tray and sipping it.

Starting to get hot from the dancing Claudia grabbed a bright blue drink off a passing tray and sipped it making a face at the overly sweet drink with a burning after taste before shrugging and taking another sip. Starting to relax Claudia found herself flirting with a couple of Andorian cadets and a young Klingon on an exchange programme.

Katie found herself drawn to the grey eyes of a young Xenexian. They were mesmerizing. When he wrapped an arm around her while they danced, she felt her entire body prickle with excitement. She was young and inexperienced in most aspects of dating but she knew when someone activated her buttons. The Xenexian looked to be about her age, maybe a little older. He definitely acted older than most of the boys her age and he had a darker demeanor which of course drew her in even more. One thing for sure, he knew how to have a good time.

"Buy a girl a drink?" She flirted as she pressed close into him.

"I would love to." he replied, feeling intoxicated and not just by the several drinks he had already had that evening. The heat already rising to his groin, he tortured himself by pulling her tighter to him. "But first," he said, gazing down at her, "you have to give me your name."

The genuine smile that plied her face made her look all the more beautiful and young as her cheeks turned crimson. "Kaitlyn or Katie if you prefer." She felt her pulse quicken and hoped she got her name out correctly.

"Two names." he raised an eyebrow, "Their both beautiful..." He paused thinking again about how beautiful she was, loving her smile. "I shall call you one than the other until I decide which one I like better."

Chewing her bottom lip, Kaitlyn gave a sigh. "Unfortunately we may not have much time." She explained. "I'll be leaving in a few days for Magellan Academy." She brightened quickly. "I'm going to be a Star Fleet Officer."

"Oh really?" he smiled, staring intently at her. "I call that reason to celebrate." He released her, and then grabbing her hand, lead her over to the bar.

Pulled along behind him, Kaitlyn grinned. It was three months before she turned eighteen and yet this young man was making her feel like a school girl. She felt giddy and intoxicated even though she'd barely touched her first drink. She felt out of breath and her heart was beating so fast she thought it might pump through her chest. She had forgotten all about Claudia and the fact that she was in this club illegally.

Grabbing another drink ... a yellow one that tasted of lemons and sunshine this time Claudia found herself dancing a little too close for comfort with a much older man who kept trying to catch a feel of her breasts and backside until one of the older cadets realised she was in trouble and stepped in claiming her. She gave him a grateful look falling into liquid chocolate eyes for a minute before shaking herself and concentrating on keeping her footing in the dance.

"You're kidding me..." exclaimed the older man, gaping wide-mouthed, completely thrown off that a Vulcan would do such a thing.

Suddenly the Vulcan was gliding her in a circular motion away from the perv. His eyes never left hers as they slowed to another part of the dance floor. They stopped and he immediately released her, gave a slight nod, and then hesitated before starting to turn away.

Claudia bit her lip nervously then as he turned away said "Wait ... please? I ... Thank you." She knew he was probably thinking how illogical she sounded right then but she was feeling a little tipsy and nauseous from mixing the three drinks. Feeling a little flushed she swallowed "I ... I think I need some fresh air." She gave him a pleading look hoping he would go with her so she could avoid any problems.

He had taken two steps away as she spoke. Regarding her, and tired of the need to raise his voice over the noise of the crowd, returned to her. He tilted his head down, and in the typical Vulcan manner, took what she said literally. "The best place for fresh air," he informed her, "would be the Starbase hydroponic garden."

Swallowing Claudia blinked "There's a hydroponic garden?"

"Yes..." And, although suddenly filled with uncertainty, he asked, "Would you like me to show you?"

Her eyes wide with curiosity Claudia nodded "Yes please."

He gestured for her to walk with him, and then realised, stopping them both, "I apologize...first, I should introduce myself. I am Sodan."

"Claudia ... Claudia Rankin." She didn't hold out her hand knowing that he would be unable to reciprocate the gesture.

"Claudia..", Sodan repeated her name, raising an interested brow. "It is very nice to meet you, Claudia." They started walking again, and left the club.

As Katie and the young man that lead her away approached the bar, he placed his arm around her waist turning to face her. "So what would you like?" he asked, pulling her to him. The smile he wore held a mischievous quality, one that was very sexy.

"Hmm," She smiled. "How about an Argellian Rose?" She suggested. It was a pink drink with a light taste and it's own version of thorns as it hit suddenly and without warning, that you'd been drinking alcohol. But it had a sweet taste that invites you in before it can sting.

His eyes drinking her in, the young man, Ben Hall, listened. He then turned towards the bar placing a confident arm onto it's surface. "Two Argellian Rose." he said ignoring the look he was getting from the bartender.

With a cock of his head the bartender caught the eyes of a bouncer not too far off. He nodded toward the young man, " Did you card 'em? " With piercing dark eyes the bouncer scanned the young man over, a deep frown settled over his face. "No. Didn't see him, must of come in with that large crowd." Was the short cliped reply. Leaning over the counter the Bartender gave a tight smile, "ID's?" including the young man's companion in it.

Ben's eyes narrowed slightly before one corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. He reached for his back pocket. "I must have left mine in another pants pocket." he said, thinking to himself, Oh chips.. Then, "Why don't I go get it..." turning away, and placing a hand on Katie's arm to steer her away with him.

Adam Marcum, the Executive Officer and acting Chief of Security for Zulu and a very large Klingon hybrid stood behind the two young ones. "How about I escort you to your quarters and you show me your ID?" He folded his arms in front of him and gave a stern look. He looked extra stern as he fought the grin that was trying to betray him. "And I'm sure your ID will tell me you're of age young lady?" He asked her.

Completing his turn to stare back at Adam, almost instinctively Ben stiffened. He took in a deep breath, and held back his impulsive self as he suddenly remembered his uncle's warnings. "That won't be necessary, " he said reluctantly, referring to himself. "I have my ID."

"Good." Adam gave a quick smirk. "I think I'll have a look at both of them." He looked at Kaitlyn. "Yours first." He held out his hand and nearly guffawed as she rolled her eyes reminding him of his sister not many years earlier. She dug into her small purse and pulled out the card.

"Here." She rolled her eyes again. She was pretty sure the ID would pass inspection. What would this guy know of forgeries. He probably spent his time drinking blood wine and recouping from the buzz.

Adam swiped the ID from her. "Careful with the stray thoughts little one. I'm also half Betazoid...and I've been sober for months..." He grinned again before saying, "years even." He looked at the young man. "Still waiting for yours, sir." He held out his hand and waited for Ben.

Having closed his mind immediately upon hearing the security officer was half Betazoid, Ben pulled out his ID and handed it over. "Now what?" he asked impatiently.

"Now, I escort the two of you to quarters and make you promise to stay out of trouble." He smirked as he held up his hand and the two IDs. "Oh and I'll be confiscating these."

"That's fine, I never needed one on Xenex." Ben informed him. There was no mistaking the annoyance in his voice, "And oh, no need for an escort. I'm a big boy, I can walk myself out." and he started to walk past him.

"As you haven't yet been indoctrinated into Star fleet, I'll let it slide that you don't recognize my rank." Adam's demeanor changed to one of annoyance. "But you will be soon and you'll need to understand and follow the rules." He nodded to two security officers at the door. "Now either I will escort you out and to your quarters or they will escort you out and to quarters that I will provide. You will remain there until we contact family members or until the shuttle arrives to take you to Magellan." He looked at the young man. "You choose and keep in mind, you choose for BOTH of you."

Kaitlyn looked quickly at Ben and shook her head. "Please?" She didn't mind the trouble or the fun, but she didn't want to start her career in Star Fleet with a black mark on her record already.

Ben stared back at her, caught by the look in her eyes. His expression remaining serious, his face softened, and he swallowed. He hadn't come all that way, been through what he had to get there, to get anyone in trouble, let alone himself. "You'll escort us," he said turning back to Adam, thinking how Carter was right; he had a long long ways to go before he would be able to fill his shoes. "Sir."

"Good man." Adam said. He had no intention of rubbing it in. The boy had done the right thing and he gave him credit for that. Besides, how many cadets didn't try to 'celebrate' hard their last few nights of being civilian. He almost wished he didn't catch them. They seemed to be good kids and they didn't put up a fight. "Lead the way please. Ladies first." He nodded to Kaitlyn.

"Yes sir." The trio headed to the lift and Kaitlyn led them to her quarters. Standing outside, she looked at the two. "Could we do this here? I don't want my room mates to know." She wasn't as contrite as she was pretending to be but she wanted the officer to leave them alone.

"Okay young lady. You're in for the night. Show your face on the promenade again tonight and we'll visit the brig and await the shuttle together."

"Yes sir."

Glancing over at Katie before he turned away, Ben gave a nod to Adam and running a hand through his hair started walking towards his own quarters.

Watching both of them enter their quarters and figuring they wouldn't stay, Adam shook his head and headed back to his quarters. For some reason he had a need to stop in and see how Kacey was doing. He looked at the two IDs in his hand and snickered again.

A few minutes later Ben was ringing the chime to Katie's quarters. Placing an arm on the door frame, he leaned in impatiently as he waited.

Knowing she was in for the night, Katie had already changed out of her clothes and was in a tank top and pair of boxers. When the door chimed, she grabbed a silk robe and threw it on. Pulling her hair out of the robe so that it now flowed over her shoulders and down her back, she pulled the robe closed with her other hand and opened the door. Not expecting guests, she was shocked to see Benjamin standing there. Embarrassed by the way she was dressed but also quite pleasantly surprised by who was at the door, she blushed and stuttered out a quick greeting. "H- Hi."

Taking her all in, Ben leaned in more, perhaps too closely, "Hi..." he said, gazing down at her, his pupils dilated. "Is this a bad time?"

"No, come in." Katie smiled as she looked around to see that nobody was looking. It was also a violation to have members of the opposite sex in your quarters as a cadet initiate.

Ben smiled back, not caring if anyone 'was' watching. Not saying a word as he entered the quarters, he turned to face her as the door closed, cupping her face in his hands. His eyes locked with hers, and he searched them, "I want to apologise...may I?"

Katie smiled. "You may, but it isn't necessary." She searched his piercing eyes. "This wasn't your fault and you cooperated with the Commander so I doubt we're in any trouble." But he wanted to apologize, who was she to stop him. He was beautiful and he was standing here, with her.

"You realize," he whispered, bringing his lips down towards hers, "you never asked me my name."

Katie caught her breath as their lips barely touched each other. "I always thought a gentleman would offer his name." She wanted him to kiss her but she should at least know his name first. "And what is your name?"

"Benjamin." he whispered across her lips, staring at her with such intensity, he heard her breath catch again. Before she could speak, his demanding lips claimed hers, his arms went around her and pulled her close.

Smiling in the kiss, she moved her hands around his waist and let him pull her in more. Enthralled in the kiss, she never heard the door to her quarters open.

The kiss becoming more passionate, he tasted her, inhaled her. Wanting her, his hands reached down to grab her bottom, lifting her more fully to him.

Kate's hands entwined in Benjamin's already regulation hair as she melted into their kiss.

"Whoa," The masculine voice startled Kate as it sounded all too familiar to her. "Excuse me young man but would you mind getting your hand off my baby sister's ass?"

Kate was startled backwards by the voice and the anger in it.

Suddenly very tense, Ben released her to stand in front of her protectively. Breathing hard, he glared back in return.

Looking past the young man, Ryan glared at his sister. "Kaitlyn Margaret Shaw, what the hell are you up to?" He growled before looking Benjamin in the eye. "You would be wise to step back young man."

"Ryan?" Kate was still stunned to see who was standing in her quarters.

"Well, that depends on what you're going to do to her." Ben strongly replied, and then recognizing the uniform, he cursed to himself oh grozit...

"Don't worry." Ryan glared at his sister again. "If I kill her it won't be in the literal sense." He looked back at the other man. "She's too important to me. However, she IS only seventeen, a Cadet Initiate and breaking about twelve family and Star Fleet rules right about now." He flashed her fake ID in his two fingers and rotated it back and forth for them both to see. "And she lost this. Security was kind enough to return it to me."

Katie took another step back behind Benjamin.

Ryan looked around him at his sister. "Pack a bag. You'll be staying with me and Ashley until the shuttle gets here. I can't ground you, but I sure as hell can keep tabs on you until the Academy staff takes over."

Ben swallowed hard as he flashed back to Carter, Keep it in your pants. Not all species consider their females adults at the age of 13, and he understood from his uncle there was more to it than that. Frowning, he stepped to the side out of the way. Then took her hand. "Katie, do you want to go with him?"

Kaitlyn smiled but shook her head. She touched Ben's cheek softly. "I have to go Ben but I promise you, Ryan would never hurt me." She looked over at her brother who had already softened his stance and was waiting almost patiently. She whispered. "It would hurt him terribly if I didn't go with him and I could never forgive myself if I did that.. Big brothers tend to forget that little sisters do grow to adulthood eventually." She reached up and kissed his cheek before whispering again. "I'll meet up with you later." She smiled. "No worries."

Ryan was pleased to see the man had been protective of his sister even if he wasn't concerned with her virtue. That would be Ryan's chore for a little while longer. "Come on, I've got people anxious to meet you." He finally softened enough to smile.

Ben continued to gaze back at Kaitlyn, mostly understanding...he was trying to anyways, a part of him still wished she would of chosen to stay. Looking into her eyes, he leaned down, and cupping her face with one hand he gently kissed her, the kiss insistent and deep. Suddenly he ended it and whispered back. "Later." as a promise and pulled away. His eyes were on Ryan as he walked passed him, and then he was out the door.

Kaitlyn, stunned by the intensity of the kiss didn't do much more than nod and smile. "Mm hm."

Snapping his fingers in front of her nose, Ryan shook his head. "Hey....hey." he finally got her to acknowledge him. "Nice kiss?" He asked.

"Oh yea." She answered.

"Yea...bag - now." He ordered.


Benjamin Hall
Cadet Initiate

Cadet Initiate

Kaitlyn Shaw
Cadet Initiate

Claudia Rankin
Cadet Initiate

Visiting characters:

Ryan Shaw
Security Officer USS Pegasus

Adam Marcum
XO - Star base Zulu


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